Baroque- the forgotten sin Wiki

List of Status Ailments[]

  • Blindness
  • Confusion
  • Lust
  • Lethargy
  • Silence
  • Stomach ache
  • Paralysis
  • Poison


Each status effect has their own effects, they are described here:

Blindness: Causes the affected to see less, for a short period of time.

Confusion: The affected will move in random directions for a short period of time.

Lust: Turns everything (Excluding walls, floors, stairs, ceilings, traps, buttons, levers) Into a woman wearing a Kimono, for a short period of time, when used on a meta-being, they will sometimes attempt to help the player.

Lethargy: Makes the affected move, attack and throw slower, for a short period of time.

Silence: Will make the player deaf, for a short period of time

Stomach ache: Gives the affected -1 ATK and -1 DEF until cured.

Paralysis: The affected cannot combo their attacks and cannot move, for a short period of time. If used on a Meta-Being: The Meta-being cannot perform any actions, for a short period of time.

Poison: The affected will take damage every now and then, for a short period of time.

Cures and Preventions[]

Every status ailment can be cured and prevented, here's how:

Blindness: Can be cured with Sight Fluid, Blind disk (Tails) and prevented with Sight Wings and Blind Parasite.

Confusion: Can be cured with Calming Fluid, Confusion Disk (Tails) and prevented with Confusion Parasite, Calm Wings.

Lust: Can be cured with Sight Fluid, Calming Fluid, Lust Disk (Tails) and can be prevented with Sight Wings, Lust Parasite, Calm Wings.

Lethargy: Can be cured with Invignorating Fluid and can be prevented with Lethargy Parasite.

Silence: Can only be cured with the almighty cures listed below

Stomach ache: Can be cured with Nutritive Fluid, Stomach ache Disk (Tails) and can be prevented with an Ache Parasite.

Paralysis: Can be cured with Antidote Fluid and prevented with Paralysis Wings, Antidote Wings and Paralysis Parasite.

Poison: Can be cured with Antidote Fluid and can be prevented with Antidote Wings, or Poison Parasite.

Allmighty cures[]

All status ailments can be cured with Special Fluid.

All Status ailments (Excluding stumach ache and confusion) can be prevented with the Twisted Coat.

All Status ailments (Excluding stumach ache and Lethargy) can be prevented with Special Wings.

And finally all status ailments can be cured by Special Disk (Tails).

(Halftime is a brand that allows Ailments to pass faster, although it is not a cure or a prevention, it is worth mentioning, the same goes for Eros, which is a brand that allows you to be more powerful during lust.)


Every status Ailment is caused by something, here is how they're caused:

Blindness: Can be caused by Blind disk (Heads) or a special attack from Bulger

Confusion: Can be caused by an attack performed by Or-huganous, that surrounds its body with 2 electric orbs, by Confusion Disk (Heads) or by an attack performed by Johanna Kyon

Lust: Can be caused by a special attack by Liar, a pink cloud appears which causes lust

Lethargy: Can be caused by the clouds left behind by Sun, and can be caused by a special attack from Liar

Silence: Earplug bone

Stomach ache: Caused by eating Rotten Meat or Rotten Hearts, can also be caused by Stumach ache disk (Heads)

Paralysis: Can be caused by Rose sword, by an attack performed by Hugones, but can also be caused by Nicl and Nicr.

Poison: Can be caused by any of Kato's attacks.

Special Disk (Heads) will give the affected a random status ailment
