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SYNTHESIZE ARTICLE - Cursebringer angel


The Cursebringer Angel is an NPC that roams through the Neuro Tower, You can throw Items at it, which can be repaired or traded for another item.

It can be found at:

-300 cubits 

-500 cubits

-1000 cubits

-1600 cubits

-2500 cubits

-2800 cubits

-3500 cubits


The Cursebringer angel looks like a mechanical device that floats just above the floor, it has two masks that allow it to carry items.

Trading Items[]

The Cursebringer angel will give you a random item when you give it two items, but when an item has deteriorated: A junk sword normally has 2 ATK, but can also be found with 1 or less ATK, the Cursebringer angel will repair/rebirth the item and restore its ATK or DEF.

Trading comes at the cost of the items you traded with it, there are some special trades (which will always have the same result):

  • 3 Silver Bones -> Toy box
  • 1 Golden Bone -> Toy box
  • Seed or flesh -> Burnt seed or flesh
  • 2x Burnt seed or burnt flesh -> Random seed/flesh
  • Recovery A Fluid + Recovery D Fluid -> Recovery AD Fluid
  • 2x Recovery AD Fluid -> Recovery DX Fluid
  • Attack Fluid + Defense Fluid -> AD Fluid
  • Parasite of any element + Sword or coat -> Sword or coat with the element of the parasite
  • Rusty sword + any item -> Random sword
  • Old coat + any item -> Random coat
  • Empty Box + any equippable item -> Naked Box
  • Empty Box + any Box -> Box Box
  • Emtpy Box + any Disk - > Disk Box

Baroques/Idea Sephira[]

You can give the Cursebringer angel a baroque to always receive the same item:


  • It can hold three silver bones. (normally it will trade two items for one, but silver bones are the only exclusion)
  • It won't drop items once they're given to it, even if you destroy it.
  • All items traded for Sephira's are a reference to the Sephira's owner.
  • Items that are repaired by it will be thrown back at the player after it is repaired.
  • The Cursebringer angel is not a living being, for it has no Baroque.