Baroque- the forgotten sin Wiki

The Blaze (AKA: Great Heat, or Great Blaze) was a cataclysmic event that turned the world into the wasteland you see in Baroque, it happened in 2032-15-04. The Blaze was the result of Archangel manually interrupting the Dabar Fusion.

The Blaze (AKA: Great Heat, or Great Blaze) was a cataclysmic event that turned the world into the wasteland you see in Baroque, it happened in 2032-15-04. The Blaze was the result of Archangel manually interrupting the Dabar Fusion.

The Blaze (AKA: Great Heat, or Great Blaze) was a cataclysmic event that turned the world into the wasteland you see in Baroque, it happened in 2032-15-04. The Blaze was the result of Archangel manually interrupting the Dabar Fusion.

The Dabar Fusion[]

The Dabar Fusion was a plan composed by the Koriel to give God the ability to communicate in a way intelligible to humans. The method agreed upon to have the best chance of success was to fuse a member of the Koriel (Number 12 i.e. one of the protagonists) with God. This was undertaken in secret by the Koriel, however it was rushed due to their panic and Archangel overheard the command to begin the Fusion. He then immediately sent acolytes to interrupt however was too late and decided to manually rip God and the protagonist apart during the Fusion.

The reason behind the Fusion was to have God explain the cause behind the world's unceasing distortion as nobody aside from Archangel and his followers knew why. Because the Koriel did not believe Archangel's theory that God desired to destroy humanity, nor trusted him after he made unfiltered first contact with God and was driven mad, they could not consult or rely on him nor the Malkuth Order.

After the Fusion was forcefully halted and left incomplete, the partially merged mind of the protagonist became hysterical, resulting in God becoming hysterical. This agony and desperation created a world-wide distortion, a barren landscape and the sudden transformations of many humans into Meta-Beings was left in its wake. Some survivors became literally fused with nearby people, most likely due to the protagonist's desire to remain conjoined and his trauma of being separated. The water that was left in the world became toxic and all plant life withered.

The resulting wasteland is actually the original world created by God. There was never a need nor capacity for God to create anything different to it as the world's very foundations are distorted, with God as no exception to this.<gallery> blaze1.png blaze2.png blaze3.png blaze4.png blaze5.png blaze6.png blaze7.png </gallery>
